The Oatmeal

The Oatmeal

An update on the FunnyJunk situation

FunnyJunk agrees to take down all the stolen content.

An update on the FunnyJunk situation


A few days ago I posted about stealing my comics and asked my readers for advice. The owner of the site responded in two ways:

1. He sent this mass message to every member of his site:

As you can imagine, my inbox and Facebook page were slammed with thousands of messages from FunnyJunk users who believed that I was trying to get their community shut down. I think they set the land speed record for the highest number of "OMG ur a gayfagness!!!11" Facebook comments in a single day.
I politely responded with this letter.

2. He removed all the stolen material.
This includes all the content from David Thorne, Perry Bible Fellowship, Hyperbole and a Half, and so on. Unfortunately, he only deleted posts which have "The Oatmeal" in the title. This means that all the content which was properly attributed got wiped out and all the comics that have no mention of me are still there, which is basically my entire website.

To the admin of FunnyJunk: I put together a list of all my comics which you can download here and use to remove the remainder of the stolen material.

To the users of FunnyJunk: I never had plans to sue FunnyJunk and get it shut down; I just wanted my stolen comics removed -- your admin is a moron who chooses his words about as carefully as a mule chooses where to take a shit.

Hugs and kisses,

-The Oatmeal

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