The Oatmeal

The Oatmeal

Random comic button added

I added a random button.

Random comic button added


Just an eensy-teensy update: I added a random button to all my comics that will now allow you to randomly browse through all my comics. It's a bit more passive way of reading my site and doesn't require you to hunt down which ones you have or haven't read. Also, I added some categories at the top of each comic which groups some of my most popular comics, as well as ones themed around cats, grammar, and so forth.

Hi. I'm a cartoonist.

My Netflix Series is now streaming! Go watch it!

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I made a pie chart about why dieting is hard How to store a baby Taking care Today, illustrated. Multiplicative Idiocy The Motherfucking Pterodactyl Sing Along Video Dumb Jokes That Are Funny How to pet a kitty The life cycle of a chicken How to take INCREDIBLE photos of your friends Vibes Dear Juicy Fruit The crap we put up with getting on and off an airplane What the World War Z movie has in common with the book How a Web Design Goes Straight to Hell Log out, right now.