The Oatmeal

The Oatmeal

Operation BearLove Good, Cancer Bad has ended. Now what?

Answers to questions about my charity fundraiser.

Operation BearLove Good, Cancer Bad has ended. Now what?

Operation BearLove Good, Cancer Bad ended early this morning with total funds raised at $220,024.00 -- almost exactly 11 times the original goal of $20k. IndieGoGo takes 4%, so that puts the total money going to charity at $211,223.04.

I've been trying very hard not to post about all the insane drama surrounding Carreon and his better half and instead focusing on the fundraiser. Now that it's ended, I wanted to address some specific questions about how I'm donating the funds.

When will you pay the charities?
Carreon has provided notice that he intends to ask the court for a restraining order which will stop the transfer of funds from Indiegogo. If we can't get that silly bullshit dismissed, the money could be held up for days, weeks or months. Assuming we can, I should have the money in about a week.

Once the money is moved, I still plan on withdrawing $211k in cash and taking a photo to send to Charles Carreon and FunnyJunk, along with the drawing of Funnyjunk's mother. After the photo is mailed I'll be sending checks to the charities. I'll also post receipts as well as public confirmations from both charities that they received every penny that was promised.

Is all the money going to the National Wildlife Federation and the American Cancer Society?
Yes. Previously I stated that because the amount raised was so much larger than expected I was going to divide the money into four charities instead of two, but unfortunately Carreon's lawsuit claims that I'm holding an "illicit fundraiser" and not donating money where I said I would. To avoid further litigation with him, I decided to split the money between the original two charities. If Carreon wanted a minor victory, he got one here.

I'll keep posting updates about the fundraiser here, so check back soon.


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