The Oatmeal

The Oatmeal

We just passed one million dollars. Now what?

The Tesla Museum campaign hit $1 million bucks. Now what?

We just passed one million dollars. Now what?


$1 million raised


In 9 days, we managed to raise over 1 million dollars to go towards buying back Tesla's old laboratory, and with the $850,000 matching grant from NY state this puts us at 1.85 million bucks. At its peak, the campaign was raising $27,000 per hour, crashing Indiegogo, and probably setting some kind of land speed record in awesomeness. Indiegogo put together this infographic showing some interesting data points behind the campaign.

So what happens next?
Even though we've already hit our goal, I plan on letting the campaign run the full 45 days. Every extra penny we earn will go toward restoring the property, building exhibits, and turning this land into something worthy of Tesla's awesomeness. The original goal of $850k was enough money to bid on the property, but it's going to take a lot more to turn it into an actual museum.
The non-profit behind this endeavor is beginning the process of working with the realtor to make a bid on the property. I'll post any major updates here, or you can follow them on Facebook and Twitter.

We've added some new perks to the campaign, including more t-shirts, hats, and posters signed by Tesla's last remaining relative.

I know I've said this before, but to everyone who donated: THANK YOU.

Exciting, yes?

Hugs and goddamns,
-The Oatmeal

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